Our purpose

At Good Soleil, we believe that wellness belongs to each of us. Our goal is to empower people to take care of their mind and body by doing something as simple as sipping an herbal remedy. Herbal teas are safe and the formulas made at Good Soleil are caffeine-free, making them easy to be consumed and enjoyed by the entire family.

Our promise

We aim to educate our customers while serving up herbal teas. We’ll do this by providing in-depth information about each ingredient that we use in our formulas. As an eco-conscious brand, Good Soleil tea tins can be purchased once and refilled with a monthly subscription.

Our story

The story of Good Soleil starts with our founder, Rhea. At the age of 17, Rhea was confronted with a series of health issues - all of which remained a mystery to each doctor's office in which she found herself. After seeing a dermatologist for recurrent infections, a hematologist, rheumatologist, countless other internists and a naturopah, despair for ever feeling better started to settle in.

She had already been on a regimen of herbal supplements - taking between 12-20 pills per day to help keep symptoms at bay. From Black Cohosh and Goldenrod for liver support to Pau D'Arco, garlic and Echinacea Root for reactions to yeast (which was later diagnosed as an allergy); washing it all down with chlorophyll and taking probiotics to help repair her gut after many rounds of antibiotics.

Between the already stressful transition from high school to college, Rhea found this regimen overwhelming. The herbs helped, but scheduling her supplement intake started to become a burden. She eventually met an MD who also specialized in holistic medicine. The bad news: in addition to seeing more specialists, she wanted Rhea to take even more herbal supplements. The good news: she suggested that Rhea purchase the herbs in tea form or create her own blends. This was life-changing news as it eliminated a large number of pills and also became an engaging way for Rhea to take care of her body. Over the years, with the addition of various lifestyle changes, Rhea received an accurate diagnosis of lichen planopilaris and was able to put her condition into remission.

Herbal tea played such a large part in the restoration of Rhea's health and became an everyday ritual. During 2021, at the height of another wave of coronavirus, Rhea was inspired to share a few blends that had helped her along the way.